MindCrack is a server Guude started in late 2010. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications.
A bunch of us were able to get together sort of spur of the moment to fix BdoubleO's arena roof that burned down in a recent fire. Fun and games developed afterwards.
easycgi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxQjpk2yiD8
Docm77: http://www.youtube.com/docm77
Generikb: http://www.youtube.com/generikb
Guude: http://www.youtube.com/guudeboulderfist
Kurtjmac: http://www.youtube.com/kurtjmac
Pyropuncher: http://www.youtube.com/pyropuncher
VintageBeef: http://www.youtube.com/vintagebeef
Zisteau: http://www.youtube.com/zisteau
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